Hurricanes are violent storms, which can bring intense winds, heavy rain, a storm surge, floods, coastal erosion, landslides and tornadoes. The season for Hurricanes runs from June-November, most typically occur mid-August to late October. Each season, on average, six hurricanes form in the Atlantic Ocean of which two become major hurricanes.
You should know what to do, to help you prepare for a hurricane. Be sure to:
*Contact your local emergency management office to learn about evacuation routes & emergency plans
*Buy flood insurance. If flooded and do not have insurance, there is a 30-day waiting period before coverage is activated. www.floodsmart.gov
*Find out what your child's emergency procedure is at school and for your workplace.
*Make a family disaster plan. Be sure to have close friends & relatives contact information.
*Put together a Disaster Supply Kit with food, water, medical supplies, battery-powered radio & NOAA Weather Radio all Hazards, batteries, flashlights and other items that will allow you to get by for 3 days after a hurricane hits.
*Be sure to gather important documents such as birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, passports, wills, deeds and financial and insurance records. Store them in a fire & flood safe location or safe deposit box.
As the storm approaches:
*Remember that a "Hurricane Watch" means the onset of hurricane conditions is possible within 36 hours; a "Hurricane Warning" means the onset of hurricane conditions is likely within 24 hours.
*Have a full tank of gas in a vehicle,cash and your disaster supplies kit ready to go.
*Make sure every family member has their identification on them.
*Turn the fridge on the coldest temperature and keep it closed.
*Fill the bathtub & other large containers with water for bathing, flushing toilets and cleaning---DO NOT DRINK THIS WATER
For more information and a checklist, visit the following sites:
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