Color is always important when decorating your new home. Color can sometimes be associated with moods & feelings. To better assist you with your new color scheme for your new home, we thought it would be helpful to give you the psychological aspect of common color schemes used for home decor.
Grey:-Associated with sophistication
-Best for all rooms
Grey has been known to bring a sense of order & peace. It is also considered smart & sophisticated and ranges from dark charcoal to misty silver. Plus it looks great when paired to colorful accents.
Brown:-Associated with Stability, security and a very practical color.
-Best used for the Living Room
Brown is also known as a neutral color and looks great with almost any color. You could introduce a livelier color for mental stimulation such as green or blue to compliment the brown.
Purple:-Associated with Magic, creativity, joy, fertility, sensuous, luxurious and sex
-Best for Bedrooms
Purple is sumptuous and elegant. It can be overpowering, so try a light shade of purple.
Lilac:-Associated with Feminine, spiritual matters as it stimulates the misty area between the sky & heaven.
-Best for bedrooms & bathrooms to create a stress free sanctuary
Lilac can be inspiring!
Yellow:-Associated with sunshine & energy, creativity and stimulates the intellect.
-Best for kitchens, dining rooms or north facing rooms
Blue:-Associated with soothing & calming, loyalty, serenity, authority, protection, contemplative, prevents nightmares, promotes intellectual thought and is believed to keep hunger at bay.
-Best for Bedrooms and bathrooms
Green:-Associated with promoting feelings of well-being and harmony, nature, security, stability and balance.
-Best for offices, study areas and bathrooms.
The color green is known to aid concentration.
Orange:-Associated with stability, reassurance, warmth, sunset & autumn leaves.
-Best for Living & dining rooms.
Orange is supposed to aid with digestion.
Pink:-Associated width love, fresh, flirtatious and distinctly feminine.
-Best for bedrooms
Red:-Associated with danger, passion, energy, warmth, adventure and optimism.
-Best for dining rooms.
Red is known to stimulate the appetite.
Hopefully this will help you decorate your new home. Information provided by: www.apartment-ideas.com