Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Peace of Mind, Peaceful Apartment

A peaceful life is a dream most of us have, but that goal can be hard to achieve in the course of our busy lives. The good news is that even if you can’t ditch annoying co-workers or eliminate rush hour traffic, you can create a peaceful space in your apartment where you can thrive.
Try a few of these suggestions and you’ll be better able to access your place of peace every time you walk through your apartment door.

Making room for quiet

Perhaps a cluttered apartment is causing you extra anxiety, and your mess is really messing up your ability to chill out. You might decide to declutter your apartment yourself or hire a professional organizer to help you plow through the piles.
By getting everything in its proper place, you’ll free up time and space to get other parts of your life in order. And if you spend ten minutes every night straightening up your space before you go to bed, you may find you wake up more refreshed in a less-cluttered space.

Safe space

Finding peace of mind takes time; often, peace at home is a quicker fix. Adjusting your environment can help you feel more peaceful, and feeling safe and comfortable in your space can be achieved a few ways.
First, try to soften your surroundings by painting walls or decorating with relaxing colors like light blues, greens and browns. You can also add soft textures like velour throw pillows, fuzzy blankets and luxurious rugs.
Another trick for creating a soothing vibe is to decorate with music. Sounds can quickly change your mood and calm your soul.

You might also create a meditation space where you go to tune out your cares. If you live with roommates or family, this can be especially important. Carve out a corner with a pillow and a candle, and shift mental gears when you need to slow down.

Inner peace

As true peace comes from within, move toward inner peace by setting goals and listing resolutions that will help you de-stress.
Exercise can work wonders, so a good goal may be to create a daily workout regimen. Some folks find their relaxation zone on a long run outdoors. Others claim that a calming flow of yoga poses does the trick. Whatever fitness strategy you try, aim for that Zen moment when your endorphins kick in.

As you continue your goal setting, think about any activity or habit that would put your mind at ease or reduce anxiety. Maintaining a healthier diet, carving out more free time for hobbies, or even digging into personal issues through therapy might all be beneficial. The key is to look inside and explore what will really bring you peace of mind.

Seek inspiration

Overwhelmed by all of these peaceful ideas? Still not sure where to begin? Don’t stress: start small by continuing your daily routine while keeping your eyes open for inspiration.
If you stop by the coffee shop every day, look around to see what makes you feel good about being there. Is it the aromas, the colors, the sounds? Take a walk outside and notice the environments that take your heart rate down a notch. By paying attention to your thoughts and your body, you can gain insight into how to set up your own peaceful space at home.
Set some goals to make your apartment a place where you feel truly at home, safe from outside pressures. Knowing that you have a peaceful refuge will make your days easier to manage, and your body and mind will thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I do agree that a physcal or material cluttered room or any physical place contributes to an emotional, mental dis-ease, BUT a cluttered MIND is far worse. You can even be in a cluttered place, but if your MIND is decluttered, the place is no longer of a vital importance.

    Let's declutter our mind-set and literally everything will be in order.

    Ross Galan, NLP Spiritual Life Coach
