Entertainment including the 116th Army Bands, DJ’s-to-Go(all weekend), Permanent Tourist and Jeremy Davis’ Super-Funky King Vega will keep energy level up on Rousakis Riverfront Plaza! Contests, Interactive Games, Bull’s Eye BBQ sampling on Saturday, the Verizon Experience, Air National Guard’s ‘Rise to the Challenge Tour’, a pink fire truck (Breast Cancer Awareness) and tons of free family fun will make it a holiday party lasting all weekend!
The Blood Alliance will sponsor a Blood Drive from 10am until 2pm on Saturday and Sunday in Morrell Park, near the Waving Girl statue – one pint can save up to three lives!
Have fun and celebrate responsibly! There is never a reason to drink and drive when you have AAA Auto Club South and Budweiser coming to your rescue! Save this number and call Tow-to-Go at 1.800.222.4357 (800.AAA.HELP); you’ll be treated to a free ride home for you and your vehicle!
The holiday all leads to the region’s biggest and best fireworks spectacular lighting up the skies on July 4th around 9:15! The fireworks are set to patriotic music that will be broadcast live on 97.3 KISS FM, 98.7 The RIVER and News Radio 1290 WTKS, so bring your radios tuned in and turned up! Come Celebrate America’s Independence on the river!
Thursday, June 30th116th Army Bands : Brass Plus, Black Sheep, Camouflage – 7pm
Friday, July 1st 116th Army Bands : Brass Plus, Black Sheep, Camouflage – 7pm
Saturday, July 2nd Permanent Tourist – 8pm
Monday, July 4th Super-Funky King Vega – 8pm
Monday, July 4th Fantastic Fourth of July Fireworks on the Riverfront! – 9:15pm
Ruth’s Chris Slider Eating Contest Saturday, July 2nd - 3pm
Savannah’s Candy Kitchen’s Coke Float Eating Contest Monday, July 4th – 6pm
This Verizon Wireless and Southern Eagle Distributing event is hosted by the Savannah Riverfront in partnership with Air National Guard and is sponsored by City of Savannah, Wet Willie’s, Bull’s Eye BBQ, Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo, Ruth’s Chris, Savannah’s Candy Kitchen, Repicci’s Italian Ice, Chatham County and your friends at Clear Channel Radio – 97.3 KISS FM, 94.1 THE BEAT, 1230 WSOK SAVANNAH’S GOSPEL, LOVE 101.1, 98.7 THE RIVER and WTKS NEWS RADIO 1290!
The Savannah Waterfront Association, LTD. d/b/a Savannah Riverfront promotes the eclectic vitality of the shops, restaurants, pubs and hotels that create the one-of-a-kind, family-friendly experience found nowhere else in the world than Savannah’s historic riverfront. The SWA is a 501 (c)(3) private organization whose mission is to promote, preserve and enhance the historic character and productive use of the Savannah riverfront community for all to enjoy. For more than 30 years, Savannah Riverfront has been a integral partner on such projects as First Friday Fireworks, public docks, the hospitality center, streetcar, Maritime History Panel project, cleaning initiatives and other improvements to the riverfront. Through sponsorship, membership and events, the Savannah Riverfront produces and funds improvements, firework shows and the world class River Street festival series at no cost to the public. For more information on the Savannah Riverfront, (Bay Street, Factors Walk, River Street, Hutchinson Island), please visit us at RiverStreetSavannah.com!